Feel up to 10 Degrees Cooler with Big Ass Fans, like Bay Street Biergarten in Charleston
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Charleston, SC

Case Study: Bay Street Biergarten

The summers in Charleston, South Carolina, are brutal. I don’t know what we would do without our Big Ass Fans. Greg Pierdon, Owner

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On Bay Street in Charleston, South Carolina, a derelict building has sat since the late 19th century. When Greg Pierdon, Laura Patrick and Ryan Workman saw the cathedral-like space, they decided to convert it into Bay Street Biergarten, a Munich-inspired temple to all things beer. However, poor insulation, 30-ft (9-m) vaulted ceilings and a dozen underpowered ceiling fans meant the building was unable to keep pace with the sweltering southern summers.


Bay Street Biergarten replaced the ineffective ceiling fans with three 8-ft (2.4-m) Isis® fans. These Big Ass Fans® produce a cooling effect of up to 10°F (6°C), keeping customers as perfectly cool as the beers they sip below. “The fans are a feature in and of themselves,” said Owner Greg Pierdon. Each Isis fan’s aluminum airfoils complement the heavy usage of wood and copper throughout the space. In a restaurant where noiseless operation is a necessity, Pierdon noted, “I can’t hear them at all, even when they’re at full speed.”

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